Can feather pillows be washed?

JA Jagadishk asked on 04 June 2020, 14:12
1 answers / 799 views / 8 votes

Yes they can, and I’ve had success in doing this myself. Here are some tips for machine washing and drying a feather pillow:

  • Use a low-sud detergent when washing your pillow
  • Use the delicate cycle on your washer, and wash in cold water
  • Run the pillow through at least one extra rinse cycle to ensure that all the soap has been washed out of the pillow
  • For the dryer, use the low-heat or no-heat setting to avoid singeing the feathers inside the pillow
  • Add some wool dryer balls (or clean tennis balls) to the dryer to fluff the pillow during the drying process

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asked on 03 July 2020, 15:13
1 answers / 159 views / 5 votes